MTR’s Student Race

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The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society has organized the Hong Kong Bird Race Fundraising Event annually since 2002. The Bird Race involves a student category to promote birdwatching among students and to foster their environmental awareness. We will provide pre-race training courses for secondary school students.
MTR’s Student Race participants will have 6 hours to visit various birding hotspots across Hong Kong to record the highest number of bird species.
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Race Details


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香港觀鳥比賽暨籌款活動 2025
Hong Kong Bird Race Fundraising Event 2025

港鐵中學生組報名 MTR's Student Race Registeration

若隊伍完成比賽,此名稱將會顯示在證書上,請確保隊伍名稱正確。Please make sure the team name is correct as it will be shown on the certificate if the team completes the race.
教師或監護人為隊伍的主要聯絡人。Teacher or Guardian will be the main contact point of the team.
本會將會主要以電郵與各隊伍聯絡。HKBWS will mainly use email to contact all teams.
比賽Tee及選手包將於2025年4月23日前經順豐速遞包郵寄出(可選擇寄至指定地址或於順豐站/順豐自助櫃/順豐合作點自取),請確保所填寫的郵寄地址和手提電話正確。 The race T-shirts and the souvenir packs will be delivered via SF Express by April 23, 2025, with free shipping. Please ensure the mailing address and mobile phone number provided is correct.

1. 銀行轉賬 (網上/櫃位/櫃員機) Direct Credit (Online/ Cash deposit/ ATM)
中國銀行(香港)戶口 Bank of China (HK) Account:012-878-1-076439-9
戶口名稱 Account Name: 香港觀鳥會 The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society
轉帳完成後請截圖過帳記錄頁面,或以照片拍下過數紙,並上傳至下方的「付款證明」中。After the payment, please take a screenshot of the transaction record page, or take a picture of the bank receipt, then upload the image in "Proof of payment" below.

2. 轉數快 FPS
快速支付系統識別碼/FPS ID:162485569
轉帳完成後請截圖過帳記錄頁面,並上傳至下方的「付款證明」中。After the payment, please take a screenshot of the transaction record page, then upload the image in "Proof of payment" below.

3. 信用卡 - Visa/ MasterCard/ American Express
我們會於收到申請後的五個工作天內,另外經電郵發出Paypal信用卡付款連結。We will send you the Paypal online credit card payment link within 5 working days after receiving your application.

Drag and drop files here or Browse
The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS) processes your personal data strictly in accordance with the Data Protection Act; and your data will be used by HKBWS and their service providers only for communications between you and HKBWS.

注意事項 Remarks

1. 中學生組比賽的參賽隊伍上限為20隊。先到先得,以繳付報名費用時間為準。
The maximum number of teams allowed in the Student Race is 20 teams. First come first serve, with payment time of the registration fee as the reference.
2. 報名截止日期後一個星期將會確認隊伍的參賽資格。一經確認,便可以開始為隊伍籌款。
The eligibility of the team to participate in the race will be confirmed one week after the deadline of race registration. Once confirmed, the team can start fundraise for the team.
3. 申請人提交的個人資料將會絕對保密,只供本會內部使用。
Personal data provided will be kept in strict confidence and will be used by the Society for administrative purposes only.

報名截止日期:2025年3月31日 (一) Deadline for Registration: 31 Mar 2025 (Mon)

For enquiries, please contact us by phone at 2377 4387 or by email to

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A charitable organization incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee.


Registered Charity Number: 91/06472

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