Swift and Swallow Research Group

Swift and Swallow Research Group, established in 2003, is one of the research groups of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society. It aims to investigate the ecology of Barn Swallow and House Swift breeding in Hong Kong and to promote conservation message and work for them through various methods and approaches.

Swift and Swallow Research Group conducts investigation on the number and condition of Barn Swallow's and House Swift's nests every year. Since there were only a few members in the Research Group at the time of group establishment, surveys were able to cover areas in Yuen Long, Tai Po Market, Luen Wo Market and Shek Wu Market in the New Territories only.

Compared to other bird surveys, the knowledge and technical requirements for conducting nest survey of Barn Swallow and House Swift are relatively low. Therefore, the survey is relatively easy to gain support from the society’s members. Along with the contribution from elderly volunteers of Crested Bulbul Club newly established in 2003, the number of volunteers participating in nest survey increased to dozens. This has allowed the survey area to be expanded since 2005.

The expansion of survey area and the increase in volunteer number has enriched our information gathered.

Contact us

If you find any people or construction that may damage the nest of Swift or Swallow, you are welcome to contact us by email ssrg@hkbws.org.hk.


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A charitable organization incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee.


Registered Charity Number: 91/06472

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