Ecology of Long Valley

Ecology of Long Valley

Long Valley can be sub-divided into two major habitat types: freshwater wetland and open country. It can be further divided into micro-habitats such as dry farmland, wet farmland, lotus pond, water flea ponds, abandoned farmland etc. Long Valley is active agricultural land planted with various crops. Habitat may differs for different crop types. Thus, habitat in Long Valley is described as mosaic pattern. For example, water channels, ponds and flooded farmland will be created when planting Water Spinach and Water Cress. There are trees along farmland paths which also provide different habitat for birds。Lotus ponds and water flea ponds near Ho Sheung Heung are good place for bird watching. 

dry farmlandlily pondwet farmlandwater channelpoint15

Long Valley locates within the IBA (Important Bird Area) "Inner Deep Bay and Shenzhen River catchment area", near Mai Po and Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site. Long Valley and Mai Po are both wetland, however, habitats are totally different from each other. Long Valley provides important habitat which Mai Po lacks for wetland dependent species such as Wood Sandpiper, Bluethroat etc. The number of these species recorded in Long Valley exceeds Mai Po. 

The diversed habitat in Long Valley attracts various bird groups. HKBWS has recorded 318 bird species (>50% of bird species in HK) in Long Valley since 1993, including about 14 globally endangered species. Long Valley is a paradise for birds.

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