Tai Po Market egretry incident update (10 July)

It has been a month since the Tai Po Market egretry tree trimming incident, yet the LCSD has not yet given any detailed explanations on the disturbance of birds/nest and the tree trimming procedure. They only stated that an internal inquiry panel is established to investigate the case. It was not until in the Tai Po District Council meeting held last Thursday (6 July) that the LCSD finally said the investigation is expected to be completed and will inform the public about the findings before the end of the third quarter. AFCD already stated earlier on that they are investigating the case. According to our experience in following up other unlawful cases, if the authority is to carry out prosecution action, it is crucial to have witnesses to provide evidence or even to appear in court. At the Tai Po District Council meeting, LCSD Chief Leisure Manager (Passive Amenities) Mr. Benjamin Hung said the tree pruning works were conducted at 9:00-10:15am and 2:00-2:30pm on 6 June.

The Society is appealing for witnesses of the incident, even just for a very short period of time, please contact the Society immediately (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or directly provide the information to AFCD. According to the information provided by KFBG to the Society, by 10 July 2017, their Animal Animal Rescue Centre received a total of 30 birds from the Tai Po Market egretry. Among them, 2 were released back to the wild, 3 are still under intensive care while 25 have died.

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