鳥會老best 黃胸鵐 (ENG version follows)
由於黃胸鵐主要糧食為稻米等穀類種子,及偏好於開闊田野活動,所以我哋先後喺 #塱原河上鄉 及 #水口 恢復種植水稻,並每年種植水稻兩造(春播夏收、夏播秋收),而部份夏播嘅水稻田就唔收割,為需要長途遷徙嘅黃胸鵐提供棲息地及食物,補充體力後再繼續遷飛。
其中 #塱原河上鄉 就成為黃胸鵐穩定嘅遷徙停棲地,由2006年塱原只錄得5隻黃胸鵐,遞增至2014年嘅68隻;而 #水口 就喺上年成功吸引黃胸鵐前往復耕嘅水稻田覓食,成為佢哋過境遷徙嘅中途補給站!
想一齊保育黃胸鵐?捐款支持 #鳥會新界區賣旗日,開設網上旗袋籌款達港幣1,500元或以上,更可獲贈黃胸鵐限定金屬襟章套裝!
【#EndangeredFriends: Yellow-breasted Bunting】
The "Endangered Friends Series" will introduce the endangered bird species featured on the Gold Flag, starting with our beloved Yellow-breasted Bunting, which has been under our conservation efforts for over 15 years.
Yellow-breasted Bunting is classified as globally critically endangered due to large-scale hunting and habitat destruction, with its numbers plummeting by nearly 90% in just 30 years.
To increase the population of the Yellow-breasted Bunting, HKBWS has been expanding its habitat through rice restoration projects since 2009, and conducting bird ringing to monitor their migration patterns and routes.
Restoring Rice to Boost Population
Since the Yellow-breasted Bunting primarily feeds on rice and other grain seeds and prefers open fields, we have restored rice cultivation in Long Valley, Ho Sheung Heung and Shui Hau, planting rice twice a year. Some of the summer-planted rice fields are left unharvested to provide habitat and food for the migratory Yellow-breasted Buntings.
After years of efforts, Long Valley and Ho Sheung Heung became a stable stopover for the Yellow-breasted Buntings, increasing from only 5 recorded in 2006 to 68 in 2014; Shui Hau successfully attracted the Yellow-breasted Buntings last year to forage in the restored rice fields, becoming a vital stopover during their migration!
Bird Ringing
In 2017, we launched the bird ringing project in Long Valley. Every autumn, we ring color bands on migrating Yellow-breasted Buntings to understand their population and migration process. This data helps adjust agricultural practices to provide more suitable habitats for them. Last year alone, we banded a total of 173 Yellow-breasted Buntings, providing valuable data for the research!
Want to help conserve the Yellow-breasted Bunting? Donate to support HKBWS Flag Day 2024. Get a limited edition Yellow-breasted Bunting metal pin set upon raising HK$1,500 or more by the Online Flag Bag.
Donate Now: https://bit.ly/3LSigZD