水質監察 | Water quality monitoring


In addition to managing water flow following the growth stages of the crops, we also maintain continuous vigilance over water quality. We have established a partnership with The Education University of Hong Kong to routinely test parameters such as dissolved oxygen and pH levels in the water sources within the Shui Hau swamp in different areas.

Initially, students found navigating the swamp to be quite challenging. However, their efficiency improved as they became more familiar with the environment. Accessing specific water sources even required them to bend low, wading through expansive taro fields (as depicted in Figure 2). Grealy appreciates their relentless efforts that we have managed to gather vital water quality data from the Shui Hau swamp. These data are integral to the development of a holistic habitat management plan.



Figure 1: Students taking water samples in the Shui Hau swamp



Figure 2: Students passing through the large field of taro and swamp to take a water sample


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