Green Life Collection

Snack’n’Go環保小食袋–瀕危雀鳥限量版 Snack’n’Go -Threatened Species LE
  • Snack’n’Go環保小食袋–瀕危雀鳥限量版 Snack’n’Go -Threatened Species LE
  • Snack’n’Go環保小食袋–瀕危雀鳥限量版 Snack’n’Go -Threatened Species LE
  • Snack’n’Go環保小食袋–瀕危雀鳥限量版 Snack’n’Go -Threatened Species LE
  • Snack’n’Go環保小食袋–瀕危雀鳥限量版 Snack’n’Go -Threatened Species LE
  • Snack’n’Go環保小食袋–瀕危雀鳥限量版 Snack’n’Go -Threatened Species LE
SKU: HB-090

Snack’n’Go環保小食袋–瀕危雀鳥限量版 Snack’n’Go -Threatened Species LE

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29% off

西班牙Roll'eat X 香港觀鳥會 Snack’n’Go 環保小食袋適合存放麵包及各種小食。可重用、容易清洗、不含BPA、非常輕巧可隨身携帶,讓你任何時候、任何地點均可享用喜好的小食,同時減少使用一次性的物品!
Roll’eat X HKBWS Snack’n’Go is perfectly sized for a sandwich or snack. It is reusable, very easy to clean, BPA free and light enough to take with you anywhere. To eat any snack, anytime, anywhere and minimize use of disposable items.

This snack bag features four THREATENED SPECIES from IUCN Red List :

勺  嘴 鷸 - 極度瀕危  Spoon-billed Sandpiper - Critically Endangered
黃  胸 鵐 - 極度瀕危 Yellow-breasted Bunting - Critically Endangered
黑臉琵鷺 - 瀕      危  Black-faced Spoonbill - Endangered
黃嘴白鷺 - 易      危  Swinhoe’s Egret - Vulnerable

Snack’n’Go的收益將用以支持本會的雀鳥保育工作,您的支持讓牠們飛得更遠 !
Habitats of these birds have been reducing in consequence of various human activities.  With the addition of over-hunting, the population of these birds species are decreasing and even facing extinction. 
HKBWS has been working on bird conservation through education, research, habitat management and conservation advocacy. 
Income from your purchase of this snack bag will contribute to support our bird conservation work.  Your support lets birds soar!

瀕危雀鳥插畫由本地插畫家Carmen Ng繪製,特此鳴謝。
Special thanks to local artist Carmen Ng for illustrating these threatened species.


1‧ 內層為不含BPA的柔軟TPU薄膠,可防水防污,耐熱90oC。所以除了麵包或三文治,也可以用來盛載炒粉麵或飯!
2‧ 容易清洗 - 利用溫水及清潔劑,配合海綿或抹布輕力清潔,然後掛乾便可。另外更可以攝氏30度機洗。
3‧ 攜帶方便 - 摺疊後的尺寸只有18x18厘米,放於小袋子也方便! 

3 Reasons to use Eco-wrap:
1. Inner surface is waterproofstain-resistant and BPA free certificated TPU plastic! You can even use it for rice or other take-away which is up to 90oC!
2. Easy to wash - Just wipe the wrap down with a sponge or cloth, using a bit of warm water and eco-friendly detergent. Rinse off and leave to dry. It is also machine washable at 30oC.
3. Easy to carry - It is only 11x15 cm large after fold, which can even be put into a small handbag! (The unfolded dimension is 54x32 cm)

摺合尺寸 Size when closed:180x180mm
打開尺寸 Size when opened:180x250mm
外層物料 Outer materials:100% 聚酯 Polyester
內層物料 Inner materials:聚氨酯 (耐熱最高攝氏120度) TPU (Max.120C) 


Dimension (L x W x H) 206 x 196 x 5 Millimetre
Weight 50 Gram

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