Bird Wear Collection

紅嘴鷗漁夫帽 Black-headed Gull Bucket Hat
  • 紅嘴鷗漁夫帽 Black-headed Gull Bucket Hat
  • 紅嘴鷗漁夫帽 Black-headed Gull Bucket Hat
  • 紅嘴鷗漁夫帽 Black-headed Gull Bucket Hat
  • 紅嘴鷗漁夫帽 Black-headed Gull Bucket Hat
  • 紅嘴鷗漁夫帽 Black-headed Gull Bucket Hat
SKU: FP-100

紅嘴鷗漁夫帽 Black-headed Gull Bucket Hat

Out of stock
尺碼 Size:

同時也支持魚塘濕地保育! 限量100頂。所有收入會撥入「香港魚塘生態保育計劃」。

Bucket hat made of 100% Cotton. With sharp and simple embroidery of Black-headed Gull.
Hot pick summer item. Perfectly match t-shirt and jeans in daily life.
Limited to 100 hats. All sales from this product goes to "Hong Kong Fishpond Conservation Scheme"!

FP 100a


紅嘴鷗 - 嘴饞的海鷗


作為小型海鷗,牠們只吃魚嗎? 可不是!

Black-headed Gulls - They are foodies, in no doubt

Winter visitors in Hong Kong. Commonly found in fishpond area.
They have pale grey body with a dark mark behind the eye, deep red bill and legs,
well, look a bit dorky and cute, right?
But in breeding season, they look so cool as their heads turn chocolate-brown!

As foodies, they enjoy their buffet in Hong Kong fishpond so much.
Because apart from fish, fish feed such as bread and instant noodles are also Black-headed gulls' favourites!


FP 100c漁夫帽內層  Inner layer of bucket hat

設計: 山活行旅
質料: 100% 純棉
帽高: 約 8.5 cm
帽緣闊度: 約 5.8 cm
尺碼: 細碼 - 頭圍 57 cm
    大碼 - 頭圍 58 cm

Illustration: 山活行旅
Material: 100% Cotton
Crown height: approx. 8.5 cm
Edge width: approx. 5.8 cm
Size: Small - Head circumference 57 cm
         Large - Head circumference 58 cm

Dimension (L x W x H) 0 x 0 x 0 Millimetre
Weight 70 Gram

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