
【讓雀鳥看見玻璃】鳥撞玻璃主題 Tee Anti-Bird-Collision T-shirt
  • 【讓雀鳥看見玻璃】鳥撞玻璃主題 Tee Anti-Bird-Collision T-shirt
  • 【讓雀鳥看見玻璃】鳥撞玻璃主題 Tee Anti-Bird-Collision T-shirt
  • 【讓雀鳥看見玻璃】鳥撞玻璃主題 Tee Anti-Bird-Collision T-shirt
  • 【讓雀鳥看見玻璃】鳥撞玻璃主題 Tee Anti-Bird-Collision T-shirt
  • 【讓雀鳥看見玻璃】鳥撞玻璃主題 Tee Anti-Bird-Collision T-shirt
  • 【讓雀鳥看見玻璃】鳥撞玻璃主題 Tee Anti-Bird-Collision T-shirt
  • 【讓雀鳥看見玻璃】鳥撞玻璃主題 Tee Anti-Bird-Collision T-shirt
  • 【讓雀鳥看見玻璃】鳥撞玻璃主題 Tee Anti-Bird-Collision T-shirt
  • 【讓雀鳥看見玻璃】鳥撞玻璃主題 Tee Anti-Bird-Collision T-shirt
SKU: HB-124

【讓雀鳥看見玻璃】鳥撞玻璃主題 Tee Anti-Bird-Collision T-shirt

尺碼 Size:


讓鳥撞玻璃被看見 讓雀鳥也看見玻璃

Make the Bird-window Collisions Visible, Make the Glass Visible to Birds 

CTA banner

「告別隱形陷阱 拯救鳥撞生命」 
“Stop Window Strike, Save the Innocent Bird Lives” 


With this T-shirt, we hope to bring this bird conservation message on the streets to more people. 


All income would be allocated to support the publication and promotion of the Bird-window Collisions Citizen Monitoring Toolkit 



Design concept: 


The design of this T-shirt is based on a real incident of bird collision in Hong Kong. In the autumn of 2022, a Eurasian Woodcock was on its migration journey from the north to the south, but unfortunately flew into an “invisible” glass while passing through Hong Kong and lost its life. 

質料 Material: 


款式 Style: 




*** Each order comes with a Bird-window Collisions Citizen Monitoring Toolkit, including a leaflet and Citizen Report Card.

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【緣起 Background】 


“Bird collision” refers to the incident that birds fail to recognize glass facades or mirror and collide with it which can cause injuries or even death, and is considered to be one of the top killers of wild birds apart from the habitat loss. 


A total of 308 window collision bird victims were reported from September 2022 to August 2024. Over 30% are species of conservation concern, including the Critically Endangered Yellow-breasted Bunting, Class II National Protected Species Northern Boobook and Bluethroat. Bird-window collision also pose threat to birds having extinction risk. 


Since 2021, we have been encouraging the general public to submit bird collision cases to Global Bird Collision Mapper in echo with the Global Bird Rescue Campaign. We collect data and publish report, hoping to make the issue visible. We have been trying to follow-up with bird-collision site and advocate for short-term and long-term solutions, so as to make us a more bird-friendly city. 


We really need your support to keep our work going! 


The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society is launching the first citizen monitoring toolkit for bird-window collisions in Hong Kong. It includes a bird-window collision leaflet and a "Bird-window Collisions Monitoring Citizen Report Card". By sharing of these resources, we aim to encourage more citizens to participate in monitoring and reporting bird-window collisions, bringing about small yet significant changes for bird conservation and urban ecology. 


All income raised by the sales of Anti-Bird-Collision Limited Edition T-shirt would be allocated to support the publication and promotion of the Bird-window Collisions Citizen Monitoring Toolkit. 


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 尺碼表 Size Chart:




As the "Citizen Report Card" included with the products will be available after 7 October 2024, please note that there will be a waiting period of at least one week after ordering before you can collect it. Please kindly pay attention to email notifications.

尺寸 (長 x 寬 x 高) 0 x 0 x 0 Millimetre
重量 0 Gram


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